Without a little planning, February 14th can too easily end up being an all-night Netflix binge, along with a party-sized container of (select one, or all three): super-chunk ice cream, super chocolate-y candies, or super-sized box wine. You deserve better.
How to Use Aromatherapy for a Hot Sex Life
Scent is one of our basic, most primal senses. The other 4 senses are touch, taste, sight and sound. If you want to find out what turns you and your lover on and amp up your love life, spend as much
Why Every Woman Should Masturbate
Masturbation is the first natural sex activity for most women. Biologically, we were meant to experience sexual pleasure with and without a partner. As children, we touch ourselves and learn that stimulating our genitals gives sensual pleasure, but it isn’t
Healing From a Break-Up Through Self-Pleasure
It really doesn’t matter how you slice it: break-ups are the worst. You’re essentially forced to unhinge your life from everything that formed your most long-term dreams, your daily routine, and pretty much everything in-between. The simplistic term “break-up” doesn’t