On the one hand, there’s undoubtedly a need for legal boundaries when it comes to le sex. Otherwise, decent society would likely spiral into a cavalcade of wild debauchery—we’ve all heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. But on the
7 Date Ideas So Hot They’re Almost Like Foreplay
So you really like this girl, huh? Then this is no time to be lazy when planning a date that will not only impress her, but increase the likelihood of things really going your way. Whether this a first date,
Your Lady Secretly Wants To Use These 8 Sex Toys With You
Here’s an invaluable piece of advice when it comes to sextracurricular activities: don’t mistake your lover’s silence or perceived contentment as fulfillment. She may never say anything, from fear of offending you or embarrassing herself, but there’s likely a pretty
5 Reasons Men Who Use Sex Toys Have Better, More Frequent Sex
You may already know this, but chances are, your girl uses a sex toy (or several). Pretty dang hot to think about, right? And although she’ll always enjoy using them alone as an essential and healthy part of her sexual
5 Rescue Tips for When You’re About to Come Too Soon
Imagine a world where the male orgasm was a surprise occurrence. In this anxiety-ridden, yet exhilarating world, the pullout method wouldn’t be a thing, and we’d likely have a lot more humans crowding up the place. Not to mention, it
5 Things Every Bachelor Needs To Do Before Settling Down
Do you hear that? That’s the sound of adventure calling. No, not that grumble. That was your tummy because you’ve been eating nothing but ramen and cereal. Listen carefully. It’s in the rustling of the trees and the babbling brooks.
8 Ways To Ooze Big Dick Energy In The Bedroom
Big dick energy. Obama has it. Jack Nicholson has it. Oprah has it. It conveys a patina of endowment, without the prerequisite of a large member or even possessing a floppy thing between your legs in the first place. When
4 Reasons Casual Sex With Your Ex Is A Bad Idea
All I can do is shake my head and say, “you silly fool,” when I reminisce on all the times my younger self slept with his exes. Those were some major disasters we got ourselves into back then, Kyle. I
10 Game of Thrones Scenes So Hot Winter Won’t Come, But You Will
Seven Hells! Game of Thrones has given us some of the best television of the decade, from epic battles to moments hotter than Drogon’s breath. So to pay tribute to this soon-to-end series (sob!), allow us to offer you scenes
4 Ways Sex Transformed for Me After I Quit Drinking
The most common question I get from people is: why? Why on earth did you quit drinking? Well, I can tell you it wasn’t to become a better lover. The idea of such a thing wasn’t even on my mind.