Imagine a couple enjoying a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant, where the gentleman gifts her a stunning piece of jewelry. Following dessert, a limo carries them back to a 5 star hotel which was reserved months in advance. Behind
11 Netflix Films That’ll Get Your Juices Flowing
Netflix has become such a powerful pretext when setting up romantic encounters, it is often recognized as a verb. And now is your chance to capitalize on it. There’s two effective strategies one can use when they are attempting the
UP Your Erection Game—6 Natural Ways For Better Boners
We’ve all been there. She’s naked and ready… But the room is really cold, or we had a few too many drinks, or we’re really stressed from work. But it’s not you (we swear baby). Well, the following tips will
9 Clever Ways To Introduce Sex Toys Without Damaging Your Man’s Ego
Men love their action figures, their video games and their power tools, but they can be totally iffy about toys of the sexual variety. As silly as it may sound, sex toys are sometimes threatening to men. Men want to
How I Get Aroused By the Scent of Strawberries
I was casually eating a strawberry macaroon when it hit me – or, to be more precise, when a million waves of hot sex memories hit me. As I was trying to keep my cool and avoid pulling a “When
What if We All Masturbate – At The Same Time!
What might happen? Would the earth spin out of orbit? (Nope.) Would we enjoy momentary world peace? (Probably.) Would there be a lot less bitchin’ and crabbin’ and horn honkin’, and a lot more smiling and sociability and goodwill? (An
Celebrate Earth Day—4 Ways to Get Down Outside
What better way to celebrate our earth and nature than to have sex outside on Earth Day? Not only does having sex outdoors give a couple a change of pace and get the heart racing, it can enchant the senses.
The Sensual Art of Eye Contact
Did you know that two of your biggest turn-on tools are located right in the middle of your face? That’s right, your eyes can draw people in faster than anything else you might have in your flirt arsenal. If you